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SpotMSN Password Recover 2.4.6

SpotMSN Password Recover 2.4.6  3877 

SpotMSN is messenger password recovery software for recovering lost or forgotten passwords for MSN messenger, Windows Live Messenger 8 and Windows Messenger accounts. SpotMSN is the best MSN password finder that instantly recovers and decrypts the MSN Messenger passwords stored on your computer. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.

Hidden File Finder 8.0

Hidden File Finder 8.0 Kostenlose Version 3876 

Free Hidden File Scanner and Removal Software

Mime Tool

Mime Tool Kostenlose Version 3876 

Mime Tool is a simple interactive application designed to help you encode / decode texts and files via MIME Base64 encoding.

Reason Core Security

Reason Core Security  3874 

Reason Core Security is a great choice for anyone looking for straight-up malware detection and prevention. Using a combination of behavior analysis with the latest in scanning technology and a user-friendly dashboard, both skilled and unskilled users alike can easily keep their digital data secure. It's also ideal for small businesses looking to keep their highly sensitive data secure without investing much time or effort.

Image to PDF Converter 2.0.1

Image to PDF Converter 2.0.1 Kostenlose Version 3874 

Image to PDF Converter can be used to convert a given set of images into a a single PDF file. The whole process only takes a few clicks, and the simple and attractive user-interface makes it very easy-to-use. This simple piece of software supports all commonly used image formats, such as PNG, BMP, JPG etc.

360 Document Protector

360 Document Protector Kostenlose Version 3873 

Use the file filter driver to protect all the documents and backup data, once protector monitored file modifying, immediately backup files data before modifyed, if your files unfortunate encrypted by ransomware, you can effortlessly restore the file from the backup, and you can select the file formats you need to be protected in setting menu. And integrated most popular decryption tools, you can decrypt files which encrypted by ransomware before.

McAfee Family Protection

McAfee Family Protection  3873 

With McAfee Family Protection, parents have peace of mind that their children are safe to learn, explore, play, communicate, and enjoy the Internet.


DeleteOnClick Kostenlose Version 3872 

DeleteOnClick is a very simple to use program that securely deletes files so they cannot be undeleted or recovered. It's implemented as a Windows Explorer extension so you just need to right-click on the files then choose Securely Delete to wipe the files. When you delete a file or folder using Windows, it is usual for the file or folder to be moved to the Recycle Bin (Trash).

Incognito Gone 2.0.0

Incognito Gone 2.0.0 Kostenlose Version 3871 

Are you worried about the sites your children may be viewing online? So, in response to all the online threads and forums of frustrated parents who want to remove this option, a simple program called Incognito Gone was created to disable private browsing.

XOR Binary Data Uncrypter

XOR Binary Data Uncrypter Kostenlose Version 3870 

Xor Binary data unprotector by A.S.L. You can unprotect games data files crypted with xor byte. Extra added ROL , SHL , ADD , NOT , NEG , OR , MUL , DIV and XOR with external file crypto algorithm. Internal detector for files : zip , rar , 7z , exe , jpg , mp3 , xml , mp4 , MS cab files. Analysed files with external detector. Work fast and save unprotected data to disk. Nice GUI interfeace. You can use this tool if you need crypt data.

DRMsoft SWF to EXE Encrypter 9.1

DRMsoft SWF to EXE Encrypter 9.1  3869 

SWF to exe converter, Encrypt and convert swf to exe with password protected. the encrypted files can only be opened when an Open Password is provided (PC-binding or Non-PC-binding), Only you can create open password for your users. You can add playback progress bar, scale mode, stop or pause button into your swf files.

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Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup ist eine der besten kostenlosen Backup-Lösungen, die natürlich auch als kommerzielle Version verfügbar ist: für alle, die auf die erweiterten Programmfunktionen für ihr Unternehmen Wert legen. Mit der kostenlosen Version von Iperius Backup können Sie Sicherungen auf jedes beliebige Massenspeichergerät machen - NAS, externe USB-Festplatten, RDX Laufwerke und vernetzte Computer. Es besticht mit umfassender Zeitplanung und E-Mail-Funktionen, unterstützt Zip-Komprimierung ohne Beschränkung bei Dateianzahl und -größe, inkrementelle Sicherung, Netzwerkauthentifizierung und die Ausführung von externen Skripten und Programmen.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus schützt Sie vor Phishing- und Malware-Websites, die Sie sonst nicht wissen, versuchten, Sie zu stehlen. Zur gleichen Zeit kann das Kaspersky Security Network der Computer Bericht, wenn es eine Bedrohung, die findet zuvor noch nicht gesehen. Alle 250 Millionen Kaspersky-Anwender profitieren von unserem kombinierten wissen! Kaspersky-Merkmale sind: Schutz von Viren, Trojanern, Würmern, Spyware, Adware scannt Dateien, e-Mail und Internet-Verkehr schützt Instant Messengers schützt von unbekannten Bedrohungen analysiert und schließt Internet Explorer Sicherheitslücken deaktiviert Links zu Malware-Sites / Phishing sites Global Threat Monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network) blockiert alle Arten von Keyloggern automatische Datenbank Updates kostenlos technischen Support Hinweis: Dies ist eine kommerzielle 30-Tage-Testversion.