Encrypto is designed to assist users in securing files and directories. No password is stored within the item and, once protected, the only method of unlocking it is by entering the passcode. Send encrypted files via email, Dropbox, file sharing service, carrier pigeon with USB stick — however you send them, your files are protected. It’s free for both Windows and Mac.
Secure SQL Auditor (SQA) is State of the art software for risk assessment and management, it conducts security audit and security assessment for SQL database security within minutes, by using the most comprehensive SQL database security regulatory compliance tools.
ADinf32 is the celebrated antivirus and security tool used in Russia over 20 years. Fully updated to current industry standards, ADinf32 scrupulously evaluates system for full data integrity and security, and for other data modifications. Many users run ADinf32 every day to check their systems - considering this program their most reliable instrument for virus detection.
Free Autorun Virus File Analysis & Removal Tool
Chili Internet Security is an award-winning security software. It is based on an award-winning technology as rewarded by AV-TEST (The Independent IT-Security Institute), whom for three consecutive years have named Chili Internet Security as having the 'Best Protection' and 'Best Performance' for its system speed.
SafeKuvert provides the user with the ability to encrypt, digitally sign, compress, and/or securely delete files from the hard disk. It uses the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) built into Windows, standard X-509 certificates from any source including Active Directory, and support for AES, 3DES, DES, RC2, RC4 symmetrical encryption algorithms. The resulting encoded files are standard PKCS#7 messages saved in files with a ".pkcs7" extension.
G-Zapper helps you stay anonymous while searching Google by blocking and deleting the Google search cookie. Did you know that Google stores a unique identifier in a cookie on your PC, which allows them to track the keywords you search for? G-Zapper helps you protect your identity and search history by allowing you to view your Google ID, see how long your searches have been tracked, erase your searches, and block the Google search cookie.
File Governor is an advanced program which allows for files and folders within the system to be unlocked so that normal file I/O operations can be completed when normally they would not be able to be due to operating system restrictions for files currently in use. Once a file or folder is unlocked you will be able to force-close the file’s handle, rename, delete etc.
Simple, fast and lightweight free Antivirus compatible with several OS. Panda Free Antivirus protects you while you work, play, or browse online. Protects against malware in general, and against rootkits, ransomware, USB infections and many more.
SealPath is a cloud solution that protects your documents wherever they are and allows you to share them conveniently and securely. With the application, you have full control of document permissions in real time, even after sharing them.
CG URL Filtering allows you to restrict the Web access with blacklists or white lists of URLs classified by categories. The restriction is based on policies and rules that you can customize for your specific needs.
Iperius Backup ist eine der besten kostenlosen Backup-Lösungen, die natürlich auch als kommerzielle Version verfügbar ist: für alle, die auf die erweiterten Programmfunktionen für ihr Unternehmen Wert legen. Mit der kostenlosen Version von Iperius Backup können Sie Sicherungen auf jedes beliebige Massenspeichergerät machen - NAS, externe USB-Festplatten, RDX Laufwerke und vernetzte Computer. Es besticht mit umfassender Zeitplanung und E-Mail-Funktionen, unterstützt Zip-Komprimierung ohne Beschränkung bei Dateianzahl und -größe, inkrementelle Sicherung, Netzwerkauthentifizierung und die Ausführung von externen Skripten und Programmen.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus schützt Sie vor Phishing- und Malware-Websites, die Sie sonst nicht wissen, versuchten, Sie zu stehlen. Zur gleichen Zeit kann das Kaspersky Security Network der Computer Bericht, wenn es eine Bedrohung, die findet zuvor noch nicht gesehen. Alle 250 Millionen Kaspersky-Anwender profitieren von unserem kombinierten wissen! Kaspersky-Merkmale sind: Schutz von Viren, Trojanern, Würmern, Spyware, Adware scannt Dateien, e-Mail und Internet-Verkehr schützt Instant Messengers schützt von unbekannten Bedrohungen analysiert und schließt Internet Explorer Sicherheitslücken deaktiviert Links zu Malware-Sites / Phishing sites Global Threat Monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network) blockiert alle Arten von Keyloggern automatische Datenbank Updates kostenlos technischen Support Hinweis: Dies ist eine kommerzielle 30-Tage-Testversion.