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Sicherheits-software Jetzt Sicherheits-Software und Anwendungen kostenlos herunterladen. Antivirus und antispyware
Cryper 2015.2.1.2

Cryper 2015.2.1.2  3411 

With Cryper you can encrypt single files or even complete directories. An easy workflow with a maximum of security, that what Cryper offers. Only a few clicks are necessary to feel save and the best, you can test it for free.

SecQua 0.6

SecQua 0.6 Kostenlose Version 3411 

SecQua is an open source project written in Python, that tries to quantify the security of a given Information System, using a novel security metric, trying to provide a deterministic, unbiased, objective and efficient measurement. The approach is vulnerability driven and in order to get as much unbiased results, it makes use of the National Vulnerability Database.

Trillian Password Decryptor 6.0

Trillian Password Decryptor 6.0 Kostenlose Version 3411 

TrillianPasswordDecryptor is the FREE software to instantly recover account passwords stored by Trillian or Trillian Astra.

PassHelper 1.08

PassHelper 1.08  3411 

PassHelper is a small utility program which stores your usernames, passwords, pin numbers and other information which you want to keep protected. It creates a Microsoft Access database file and does a simple encryption on the data. It may not keep someone that really wants to access your data out, but it will keep your co-workers, kids from seeing the data.

AccountRect 2.1

AccountRect 2.1 Kostenlose Version 3411 

AccountRect is an easy to use application that was especially designed in order to help you protect the privacy of your accounts in a simple manner.

BatchLocker 1.0

BatchLocker 1.0 Kostenlose Version 3410 

BatchLocker is a utility software written for lock and hide folders easily using a batch file. BatchLocker strictly locks folders.


LockItTight Kostenlose Version 3410 is a service site which provides theft recovery service for mobile devices. After you sign up the absolute free service, and install the client software on your computer, the client software will consistently report locations, screen captures, and webcam captures from your computer to the servers of And you are able to access the information reported by your computer from anywhere on any computer.

SeaMonkey Password Decryptor 6.0

SeaMonkey Password Decryptor 6.0 Kostenlose Version 3410 

Free SeaMonkey Web Login Password Recovery Software

PowerCryptor Password Generator 1.05

PowerCryptor Password Generator 1.05 Kostenlose Version 3410 

PowerCryptor Password Generator allows you to create highly secure passwords that are difficult to crack or guess. Just select the criteria for the passwords you need, and click "Generate Secure Passwords". Application is designed to generate passwords of any character content. Using PowerCryptor Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you.

Secure-Me 2.9

Secure-Me 2.9  3409 

Secure-Me is a complete managed security service (SaaS) software solution that offers web browsing data encryption, web acceleration, malware and virus protection, keystroke logging prevention and desktop file encryption. A self extracting encryption program even enables you to share encrypted files with friends or colleagues who don’t have the Secure-Me program.

AVG-PC Tuneup

AVG-PC Tuneup  3409 

AVG TuneUp is an all-encompassing set of tools helping you maintain your computer in an enviable shape. AVG TuneUp can also analyze and fix issues putting your computer at risk. There is a list of common problems you may be faced with and that the program covers. Use our 35+ power tools to help boost your games, from the casual puzzler to the blockbuster 3D shooter.

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Best Apps für Sicherheits-software Von der Redaktion

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup ist eine der besten kostenlosen Backup-Lösungen, die natürlich auch als kommerzielle Version verfügbar ist: für alle, die auf die erweiterten Programmfunktionen für ihr Unternehmen Wert legen. Mit der kostenlosen Version von Iperius Backup können Sie Sicherungen auf jedes beliebige Massenspeichergerät machen - NAS, externe USB-Festplatten, RDX Laufwerke und vernetzte Computer. Es besticht mit umfassender Zeitplanung und E-Mail-Funktionen, unterstützt Zip-Komprimierung ohne Beschränkung bei Dateianzahl und -größe, inkrementelle Sicherung, Netzwerkauthentifizierung und die Ausführung von externen Skripten und Programmen.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus schützt Sie vor Phishing- und Malware-Websites, die Sie sonst nicht wissen, versuchten, Sie zu stehlen. Zur gleichen Zeit kann das Kaspersky Security Network der Computer Bericht, wenn es eine Bedrohung, die findet zuvor noch nicht gesehen. Alle 250 Millionen Kaspersky-Anwender profitieren von unserem kombinierten wissen! Kaspersky-Merkmale sind: Schutz von Viren, Trojanern, Würmern, Spyware, Adware scannt Dateien, e-Mail und Internet-Verkehr schützt Instant Messengers schützt von unbekannten Bedrohungen analysiert und schließt Internet Explorer Sicherheitslücken deaktiviert Links zu Malware-Sites / Phishing sites Global Threat Monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network) blockiert alle Arten von Keyloggern automatische Datenbank Updates kostenlos technischen Support Hinweis: Dies ist eine kommerzielle 30-Tage-Testversion.