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Hekasoft PassKeeper 0.23

Hekasoft PassKeeper 0.23 Kostenlose Version 3409 

PassKeeper is a free password manager that allows you to store your passwords in an encrypted database protected by a password. Thanks to PassKeeper is no longer necessary to remember hundreds of passwords, just remember the database one, or use only the security key and forever rid of the problem of having to remember passwords.


LightLogger  3408 

Monitoring software that allows you to keep track of what is happening on your computer. This spy software runs hidden in the background, and automatically logs all keystrokes, which will come as a relief to those who use mobile broadband and want to keep an eye on their PC activity when working on the move. LightLogger monitoring software starts at a low level that allow you to make logging even when an anti-keylogger is installed.

EULAlyzer 2.2

EULAlyzer 2.2 Kostenlose Version 3408 

EULAlyzer can analyze license agreements in seconds, and provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases. Discover if the software you're about to install displays pop-up ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much much more.

Registrator 8.0.3

Registrator 8.0.3 Kostenlose Version 3407 

The Registrator is a simple application desiged to decrypt the products from Einhugur Software and other vendors with your serial number.

Pidgin Password Decryptor 4.0

Pidgin Password Decryptor 4.0 Kostenlose Version 3407 

Pidgin Messenger Password Recovery Software

SX WiFi Security Suite 8.0

SX WiFi Security Suite 8.0 Kostenlose Version 3406 

The Complete Set of Wireless Security Tools from SecurityXploded

PWMinder Desktop 3.2.0

PWMinder Desktop 3.2.0  3406 

PWMinder is a cross-platform, Password Manager application that is used to store all of your passwords and other sensitive data in a secure encrypted file. With PWMinder, you don't need to try and remember all of your various passwords, but rather create one very secure password, to be able access all of your other passwords in one place. Includes a configurable Password Generator Tool, and File Encryption Tool.

SpotChrome Password Recovery 1.3.9

SpotChrome Password Recovery 1.3.9  3406 

SpotChrome Password Recovery is the best tool to recover Google Chrome passwords. Google Chrome Password Recovery is a lightweight and very easy to use application that will help you to decrypt the passwords stored by Google Chrome browser. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.

Digsby Password Decryptor 6.0

Digsby Password Decryptor 6.0 Kostenlose Version 3406 

DigsbyPasswordDecryptor is the FREE software to instantly recover all stored account passwords by Digsby.

Autologin Password for Windows 4.0

Autologin Password for Windows 4.0 Kostenlose Version 3406 

Free command-line tool to quickly dump and manage the Windows Automatic Logon Password

GPassword Manager 3.1.1

GPassword Manager 3.1.1 Kostenlose Version 3406 

GPassword Manager is a simple, lightweight yet very powerful application designed to help users manage passwords. It was designed with simplicity and usability as a goal, but does not sacrifice on security. Developed cross-platform with Qt and Crypto++ for file encryption.

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Best Apps für Sicherheits-software Von der Redaktion

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup ist eine der besten kostenlosen Backup-Lösungen, die natürlich auch als kommerzielle Version verfügbar ist: für alle, die auf die erweiterten Programmfunktionen für ihr Unternehmen Wert legen. Mit der kostenlosen Version von Iperius Backup können Sie Sicherungen auf jedes beliebige Massenspeichergerät machen - NAS, externe USB-Festplatten, RDX Laufwerke und vernetzte Computer. Es besticht mit umfassender Zeitplanung und E-Mail-Funktionen, unterstützt Zip-Komprimierung ohne Beschränkung bei Dateianzahl und -größe, inkrementelle Sicherung, Netzwerkauthentifizierung und die Ausführung von externen Skripten und Programmen.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus schützt Sie vor Phishing- und Malware-Websites, die Sie sonst nicht wissen, versuchten, Sie zu stehlen. Zur gleichen Zeit kann das Kaspersky Security Network der Computer Bericht, wenn es eine Bedrohung, die findet zuvor noch nicht gesehen. Alle 250 Millionen Kaspersky-Anwender profitieren von unserem kombinierten wissen! Kaspersky-Merkmale sind: Schutz von Viren, Trojanern, Würmern, Spyware, Adware scannt Dateien, e-Mail und Internet-Verkehr schützt Instant Messengers schützt von unbekannten Bedrohungen analysiert und schließt Internet Explorer Sicherheitslücken deaktiviert Links zu Malware-Sites / Phishing sites Global Threat Monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network) blockiert alle Arten von Keyloggern automatische Datenbank Updates kostenlos technischen Support Hinweis: Dies ist eine kommerzielle 30-Tage-Testversion.