Suchergebnis - ICA

Digital Signer a Digital Signature 10.0

Digital Signer a Digital Signature 10.0  3494 

Digital Signer (Digital Signature) is software that digitally signs PDF documents using X.509 digital certificates. Digital Signer (Digital Signature) is…

Notebook PEA 1.3

Notebook PEA 1.3 Kostenlose Version 3812 

Open source password-encryption tool with built-in text editor. NotebookPEA provides some editing and styling functionality. The unencrypted text is never…

AutoKrypt 12.10

AutoKrypt 12.10  3642 

AutoKrypt is an encryption software designed for automation that will automatically encrypt or decrypt files and folders. AutoKrypt's encryption methods…

The Enigma Protector x64 6.70

The Enigma Protector x64 6.70  9811 

A professional system for licensing and protecting executable files for Windows. The Enigma Protector is an essential tool for every…

The Enigma Protector 6.70

The Enigma Protector 6.70  4193 

A professional system for licensing and protecting executable files for Windows. The Enigma Protector is an essential tool for every…

Steganos Safe 21.0.9 Rev12495

Steganos Safe 21.0.9 Rev12495  3460 

Creates a password-protected virtual safe to store your photos, music, documents, and more. Works like a real safe to protect…

Router Password Kracker 7.0

Router Password Kracker 7.0 Kostenlose Version 4461 

Router Password Kracker is a free software to recover the lost password of your Router. It can also be used…

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate  4158 

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate is a powerful and advanced application that features a reliable defense for your files regardless of…

FinalCrypt 6.3.6

FinalCrypt 6.3.6 Kostenlose Version 3968 

FinalCrypt has a modern graphical user interface with audiovisual user-guidance and a fully featured (command line interface) suited for home…

gpg4usb 0.3.3-2

gpg4usb 0.3.3-2 Kostenlose Version 3823 

To say it straight in only one sentence: gpg4usb is a very easy to use portable-application, which combines a simple…

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