Treffpunkte kostenlos Gespräche ins Leben mit Fotos, Emoji und sogar Gruppen-Videoanrufe zu bringen. Google + Treffpunkte bringt direkt und kostenlos…
Multi-Domain-Unterstützung mit und ohne IP Multihoming, Multi-Postfachkonten und freigegebene Postfächer, Internet-Mail exchange-Dienst mithilfe des ESMTP-Protokolls, Anti-Spam-Mechanismen und vieles mehr. Die…
Encrypto is designed to assist users in securing files and directories. No password is stored within the item and, once…
Mobile CD / DVD Burner DirMCB doesn't need to be installed, runs from each mobile data carrier (Stick, cd ...)…
Spherator is a frequency modulation synthesizer to generate an eclectic spectrum of sounds, through a sine wave modulator oscillator that…
NEW in this version Oscilloscope srcoller and accelerator Efects like Peak and Splitt Oscilloscope kinds like Con. Lines, Dots, Mir…
It's the power to flash your cell phone with just the press of a button. It's a dozen complicated flashing…
VST effect plug-in for Windows that recreates a classical 16-band digital vocoder. Wowcoder does not have an internal synthesizer: the…
Vocotron is a VST instrument plug-in for Windows that combines the functions of a sampler and vocoder. Vocotron’s keyboard is…